Life Skills For Teens

Life Skills For Teens

Today most of our parenting has become over parenting. We are so protective of our children that we carefully plan their schedules, help them in their studies and school projects, with the result they have learnt to lean on us for almost everything. In reality, we are raising a generation which is so used to depending on their parents for everything that they do not want to do anything alone, even if they can do it by themselves. In such a situation we need to ask ourselves the question, How are we preparing our children to face the outside world? In today’s post let us talk about some basic Life Skills For Teens.

We all want the best for our children and want them to be responsible and happy. Unfortunately over parenting is doing the exact opposite of what we want them to be. Many child experts and psychologists tell us that today’s parenting has become overprotective and parents literally want to live their children’s lives. Though our intentions may be good, it will deprive our children a chance to learn the important life skills which will help them to succeed in life.

Life Skills For Teens

So let us take a look at some basic life skills that a teenager should know –

1. Get up on time and make their own bed

When your children are 10 years or more then they need to wake up on time by themselves. They need to know their daily schedule and manage their time appropriately. The first thing is to teach them to make their own bed, wash and get ready for school. Many of us struggle to get our children dressed up on time for school. Sometimes the bus is missed and we take that extra step to reach them by car to school. This sends a wrong signal to the child that their parents will somehow ensure that they reach the school on time and thus children end up not taking any responsibility for their actions.

It is important to start with small things when they are young. Once good habits are formed they last lifelong, resulting in many benefits.

2. Ask your child to prepare their short meals or even help in the kitchen

Once a child is above 10 years, they should be able to fix for themselves a meal when they are hungry. For e.g., they should be able to make a quick breakfast for themselves. They should also be able to pack a quick lunch along with water for their school or college. Ask them to help out in the kitchen with chopping vegetables, getting the ingredients ready for making dinner, arranging the dinner on the table etc. This will help in making them confident to do things independently and in building their self-esteem.

3. Teach children to take public transportation

One of the best ways of making them independent is to teach your child to take public transportation. When children are above 15 years, they should be able to travel alone for short distances. For e.g if they attend any sports or academic coaching, then they should be able to do their daily commute by themselves.

They should be able to run small errands, buy things from the supermarket or nearby grocery store etc. This will help them to become independent and responsible. They will learn to handle money alone and also learn from their mistakes.

4. Ask them to help with household chores

Give your teenager simple instructions to do daily chores. For e.g. removing the garbage, doing the laundry, washing, drying and ironing their clothes etc. Initially show them how it is done, then closely observe how they go about doing these chores and give them the necessary guidance on the same. Also once they are comfortable, give them to do their daily and weekly chores. You can assign them jobs like house cleaning, dusting, vacuum cleaning, washing vessels, scrubbing the bathroom etc.

Assign these tasks well in advance and give them clear instructions on how to go about doing the same. Be consistent in implementing this.

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5. Encourage your children to go for outings in safe camps or retreats

Many schools conduct yearly camps for their students wherein they learn and explore a lot of new things. These camps provide them with independence and make them responsible to do their own things. Children have to do their own jobs, get up early, eat whatever is available, do their chores, exercise etc. Children get appropriately disciplined and that helps to bring stability to their life. They understand the importance of being responsible and independent.

6. Teach them to do small responsible things

It is important to teach them to pack their own bags, complete their homework and other assignments, on time. Teach them to be organized and to learn time management skills.

Give them the responsibility to order food at the restaurant or to buy their own clothes, books etc. This will help them to become accountable for their decisions and choices.

7. Money management skills

Money management is an important aspect which helps in making children more responsible. They need to understand that you need money for almost everything and thus need to understand the concept of saving, budgeting, planning etc.

They might be impulsive buyers at times, but they need to inculcate the habit of saving money before buying anything.  It is important for them to understand and appreciate the value of money. Help them to make wise decisions by guiding them to save their pocket money for the clothes they want, for the food they want to eat or for the books they want to buy. It will also make them understand the power of patience and not just buying anything and everything.

Help them to open a small Saving or Recurring Bank Account which can be handled by them. They can deposit their savings and remove the same at an appropriate time.

Finally, all parents strive to give their children the best and want them to be healthy and responsible adults. Parenting is a journey and every parent has a unique child. It is important to take the help of all these broad guidelines, but in the end, do what suits you and your child. Raise your child in such a way that they are able to face the challenges of the world happily.

Hope you enjoyed this short post Life Skills For Teens.

Please check our earlier article How Children Succeed

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