How to remain calm under pressure

How To Remain Calm Under Pressure

In today’s stressful environment, people are hard pressed for time. Their schedules are so packed with things that they are in a constant hurry to get things done quickly. All this hurrying drains out our energy and we become anxious and impatient. In this post we talk about How To Remain Calm Under Pressure.

Patience is a virtue which needs to be developed inorder to lead to a stress-free life. We need to be calm and patient inorder to take appropriate decisions in high-stress situations. Many times we see that people who are impatient are insensitive, arrogant and impulsive. Their decision making is also poor and impulsive, which is regretted later.

Patience is an important quality which is important, both in a personal and professional relationship. People who are calm and patient are better equipped to handle stressful situations at home and at work. 

Many organizations look for the qualities of calmness and patience while promoting their people for leadership positions. These are key personality traits which help in making proper decisions. The more patient you are, the more likely you will be viewed positively by your family, friends and peers. It is also important to know that you can definitely take steps to improve your patience.

Some of the signs of impatience are listed below :

  • Hand clenching.
  • Short breaths.
  • Anxiety and worry.
  • Quick and wrong decisions.
  • Always in hurry or rush.

How To Remain Calm Under Pressure

Today, let us look at some important tips for improving patience and remaining calm.

1.Try and stay calm in day to day situations.

In your day to day busy schedule of taking care of your children, families, work schedule and doing other things, ensure that you take small breaks and moments for relaxation. It is good to give a break to our body so that it gets some rest. These small breaks will help a lot in building our patience levels and also in keeping us calm. When you are busy and repeatedly stressed out, then even a small amount of stress overwhelms you. So it is important to build a relaxation routine into your daily schedule.

2. Plan in advance your routine activities.

We all have a set of daily routine activities. In addition, be prepared for some additional things that might need your immediate attention or help. Once you are better prepared to handle any untoward incident or any other emergency, it will help you to remain calm. Your patience level increases as you are able to handle emergencies in a better way.

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3. Avoid multitasking and try to do one thing at a time.

In this fast-moving world, we like to switch channels frequently as we are not able to focus on one thing at a time. Experts have indicated that multitasking is not good for the brain. It does not allow your brain to focus and thus you are not able to complete the task at hand. In order to develop patience try and do one task at a time.

4. Keep time for contingencies and be flexible.

Do not pack your schedule to the brim. Keep a place for contingencies and be flexible. In reality, no matter how u plan your day, there are many things that pop up at the last moment and take your time. In these moments you need to be calm and patient. Do not be overwhelmed and impatient with the situations around you.

5. Pray and spend time alone with God.

Prayer and spending time with God is one of the key things that will give you peace of mind. In the hustle bustle of life, it is important to step back and relax. Spending time in reading the word of god (in my case bible verses) will strengthen and rejuvenate you. It helps you to remain calm and patient. It gives you the wisdom to react appropriately to different stressful situations.

6. Learn to forgive and let go.

It is important to forgive and let go. Most of the time people are unable to forgive and let go. We are so stressed out about past hurtful situations that we keep on pondering over the same. The result is that un-forgiveness and strife gets built up. This is exactly the opposite of being calm. Therefore it is important to remove every factor that is a hindrance to the peace of the soul.

Some of the ways of practicing patience and being calm are listed below :

  • Always try and smile. Add humor to your day to day situations.
  • Try and be calm by taking deep breaths.
  • Chew your food slowly as it a great way to learn to be patient.
  • Try and enjoy your life journey rather than focusing on the end result.
  • Do not try to be perfect. Be your normal self, its fine.
  • Try and read some good books or listen to music in traffic jams or long grocery lines.
  • Be alert to your symptoms of rushing or being stressful and consciously try to overcome the same.
  • Be thankful and grateful to people around you.
  • Get into the habit of making yourself wait. Instant gratification is one of the main reason for losing patience. The more patience you practice the better you will be able to deal with any stressful situation.

It is very important to remain calm and patient in order to be successful in your professional and personal life. You need to look at the trigger points that make you impatient and then consciously take a decision to stay calm and patient. Patience is a character trait that is purposeful and necessary for self-discipline. So it is time to take steps that will help us remain calm and patient.

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